Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Carbohydrates (785 words) Essay Example For Students

Carbohydrates (785 words) Essay CarbohydratesCarbohydrates are present in sugars, starch, acids, and in many other nutrientsthat consist elements of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Having a ratio of 1: 2: 1or written as CH20. A monosaccharide meaning monomer of sugar is asimple carbohydrate. Containing backbone of five carbon atoms thatare present in ribose and deoxyribose, components of RNA and DNA. Glucose a sixcarbon atom that is common cellulose, starch, and glycogen are classified aspolysaccharide, Known as a complex carbohydrate, with straight orbranched chains of many sugar monomers. These categories of carbohydrates aretested in two laboratory experiments. It will allow us (my partner and I) todetect the presence of sugar or starch. The first test, using two differentsolutions to expose the presence of sugar or starch by color alteration. Ihypothesize that both samples of the experiment will result differently in orderto pursue the next test. The second test consists of 9 food items, identifyingthe appearance of sugar or starch. I guess in identifying 75% out of the 9 itemsright. Conducting both experiments will test my hypotheses either right orwrong. The first experiment on simple and complex carbohydrates,several tools and liquids were obtained: two test tubes, spot plate, test tubeholder, benedicts reagent, lugols iodine, 10% karo syrup solution, 1% starchsolution. In a test tube (holding it with a test tube holder,) my partner fills1 cm from the bottom of 10% karo syrup solution. With the benedicts reagent Igently add four drops, then quickly placed the tube in 98 degrees of boilingwater, at 3:17p.m. While waiting for 3 minutes, we noticed that before placingthe tube in the boiling water, the benedict reagent in the 10% karo syrup wasblue. After heating, we observed at 3:20 p.m. that the benedict solutionactivated and turned yellow. Which meant that sugar (simple carbohydrate) waspresent in the karo syrup. A different procedure was conducted to test starch. Using a spot plate, 1% of starch (about 4 drops) was placed into the well spot. Then two drops of lugols iodine was added. It generated a dark purple colorwith immediate contact with the iodine. The results for this experiment meantthat lugols iodine would test purple, positive for complex carbohydrate andyellow for simple carbohydrates. Both samples of the experiment resulteddifferently agreeing with my hypotheses. With the color alteration of benedictreagent and lugols iodine, my partner and I was ready to test sugar andstarch on the 9 food items. Know will test the 9 items, to state weather starchor sugar is present. I made a prediction that 75% of the items would beidentified correctly. The experiment consist of: apple juice, potato juice, saltwater, baking powder solution, baking soda solution, ozorka flavored water,powdered sugar solution, clearly Canadian flavored water, vinegar, benedictsreagent, lugols iodine, wax pencil, and 18 test tubes. My partner numberedthe test tubes, having two sets from 1 through 9. He filled one set while Ifilled the other, bo th with food solution about, 1 cm from the bottom of thetest tubes. After filling the tubes, we placed 5 drops of benedicts reagent onone set, then placing them in boiling water at about 98 degrees for five minutes(3:40 p.m.). Within the five minutes, I placed three drops of lugols iodineon the second set (3:42 p.m.). We shook the tubes, then resting them for 3minutes. At 3:45 p.m., my partner took out the benedict set, and we started torecord our result as we also recorded the lugols iodine. We both had amazingoutputs; I resulted on having 6 items accurately correct out of the 9. Bakingsoda solution and vinegar failed both the benedict and lugols iodine fluids,appearing negative results for sugar and starch. I predicted that Salt waterwould show starch therefore it appeared negative. Vinegar has an acidicelements, that are naturally fermented by which bacterium (prokaryotic) gothrough, an anaerobic cycle. Baking soda is a sodium bicarbonate, it isnaturally occurring in the form of an ore called torna. It releases more OH ,which it has a pH above 7. Salt is a sodium chloride, also with a pH numbergreater than 7. For these reasons, my estimation was not accurate. Some of theitems were organic fluids, processed powders, and flavored water, which containeither starches or/and sugars. The categories of carbohydrates were tested intwo laboratory experiments. It allowed my partner and I to detect the presenceof sugar and starch with indicators, (benedicts reagent and lugolsiodine). The test results indicated that certain Items were composed of carbon,containing substances that include lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Otheritems were composed of non- carbon such as water, calcium, sodium, magnesium,and other elements. For future experiments, this lab will help explain the causeand effect of any living structure.

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